Friday, April 24, 2009


Because of a friend's text last week about macaroons, I started craving for this coconut dessert once again.

Today, after being bored from staying home all day because I wasn't feeling well, I finally decided to make some. I followed pinoycook's recipe which is, as always, super easy to follow.

I bought a local brand of dessicated coconut for less than $2. I had the rest of the ingredients in my pantry--eggs, butter, condensed milk.

Oops, I think I made too many. I can't finish all these by myself so I gave some to Jun so he can munch on it while at work (he's on night shift today), then I'll bring some when I come back to work tomorrow.

Guess what I'm craving for now? Dinuguan! OMG I am so PG!