Thursday, May 7, 2009

love 'em veggies

I've been really sad lately. And it's all because I've decided to abstain from rice. Two weeks (and counting) of no rice. Can you imagine--me not eating rice! Sacrilege! And the depressing part here, I didn't even lose a single pound. Well, at least, not yet. Maybe it's because I don't even exercise hehe.

I played badminton last night with hubby, and I only lasted for ten minutes because my chest hurts already. Damn those cigarette sticks.

Last week, I tried this Fat-Burning Soup diet. It's supposed to be for seven days. More info about it next time when I get to say that it's really effective. Because the thing is, I only came up to Day 3 and I couldn't tahan it anymore! I'll probably try doing it again next month. No rice it is for now.

So now, I stick to veggies and fish and chicken. It's so hard to lose weight if your husband is trying to gain weight. Hay.

This one's my fave salad for now. I used to go gaga over Flinder's salad, but I'm over it now 'cus eating it everyday is just so boring.

My sister in law made this veg salad before and I really liked it. It's just sitaw, sigarillas (i think), vinegar (or vinegrette), pepper, tomatoes, some quail eggs and dried basil. So I eat this always and I just tweaked it a bit by adding atchara.

I don't know about you, but I love my veggies so I totally like this salad.